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Showing posts from January, 2012

Vladimir Nabokov: Sirin to V.N.

(originally published by The Student )      Say it with me now: Vluh-DEEM-ear Nuh-BOK-off. It's oddly fitting that a man who used fifteen different pseudonyms over his lifetime, fled various governments, and filled his autobiography with fiction has had his name mispronounced so often (not least by me and others unfamiliar with Russian), upholding, both posthumously and unintentionally, the facade of fiction behind which he hid during most of his working life.      Shown to us by PhD student Michael Rodgers of Strathclyde Unviersity, this mask was finely sculpted and covered every public appearance the writer made. The talk in the Scotland-Russia Forum last Friday filled the intimate space with lively discussion from those both familiar and unfamiliar with the writer. Absorbed but still sceptical, Rodgers took us through Nabokov's early, privileged upbringing to an adulthood spent all over the globe.      Raised in a wealthy trili...