Far be it from me to blog about language or music, but while trying to trawl through reading for an essay about a spectrogram, I came across a remix by Rizzle Kicks where they do something pretty interesting with their sample track. In this case, Lily Allen's The Fear is cut so that the phrase "I don't care about clever, I don't care about funny" loses its last syllable. The effect of the loss of the final '-nny', makes a non-word which the rappers employ in place of the word 'fuck'. By taking away this, they've essentially just taken away the release of the [n] stop, which we interpret as being a voiceless stop. Rizzle Kicks - Fuck Loadsa Dubstep (Lily Allen Mix) Let me explain What is said and what we hear are two different things. Advertisers (notably that awful Irn Bru ad) have used this to their advantage, which, in a lot of cases, involves us filling in the blanks for ourselves. In the case of...