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Showing posts from April, 2011

Glasgow Student Occupation

(originally published by  The Student ) THE REMOVAL of students from one of Glasgow University's buildings has been called “disproportionate and heavy handed” by the university's Student Representative Council.      The protest, which disputed the University's plans to convert the building into offices, saw a group of around 15 students occupy the Hetherington Research club for seven weeks, until police forces removed them from the building. Following nearly two months of occupation, the protests on 22 nd March grew during the course of the day to over 150 students outside the building. Strathclyde Police increased their presence to include over 80 officers, 18 vehicles and a helicopter.      Tommy Gore, president of Glasgow's Student Representative Council (SRC), insisted that the protest should have been “an internal University matter” and should not have required a police presence on University property.    ...